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Culture Is Everything

[CIE QUICK TIP] - The pain of being OVER-EMPATHETIC (and what to do about it)

G'day Reader,

How're things?

This is a Culture Is Everything Quick Tip that I wanted to send your way...


Most of the leaders and owners of service-based businesses that I work with are too empathetic.

Is that you?

If you're a caring leader that ends up rescuing your team and/or doing their work, well, there's a good chance your leadership style is too empathetic.

In my experience, the biggest fear of leaders who are too empathetic is that if they do anything different they will seem like a hard-ass and not be liked by their team.

Is that you too?

There is another way.

It's choosing to blend empathy AND accountability.

For more detail on how I teach service-based business owners to be more assertive leaders, please check out this podcast episode from earlier in 2022:


That's it for the moment,

PS - If you need some support or advice on your team, culture or leadership, book an appointment with me here.

Culture Is Everything

Join 1,108 owners of growing service-based businesses getting simple, practical tips, and experience-backed advice on business culture from Tristan White.

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